Why do plants need All Bio ‘s amino acids?
We know that plants need nutrients like fertilizer, containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. However, researches show plants also need other supplements that can help enhance the quality and health of plants.
Amino Acids could be a missing input that plants and soils need.
Presently, there have been a lot of researches sharing benefiting from the amino acids after adding them in the soil, which significantly improves soil quality, resulting in dark green leafy plants. It shows that plants do not only need normal fertilizer application, but also amino acids application.
What is an amino acid?

Lysine molecule structure 3d illustration with clipping path
Amino acids are organic compounds under protein structure. All plants rely on proteins as they are the basic constituents of all living cells. Protein is formed by the combination of various amino acids. There are hundreds of these compounds. All plants synthesize these compounds from carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. During the photosynthesis process, the plants burn carbohydrates. After that, carbohydrates are combined with hydrogen from water, together with oxygen, and carbon from the air, and nitrogen from the soil – to synthesize amino acids.
Research indicates that there are about 20 types of amino acids that can help plants grow densely. When plants receive natural amino acids, it helps to allocate additional nutrients for plant quality and helps improve soil, in a similar way with adding fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. We can add amino acids to plants and soil.
Despite that the use of amino acids is helping to increase the overall health of the soil, and everything that grows in there, Amino acids can reduce dependence on fertilizer due to proteins will help the soil absorb and store more nutrients.
7 important reasons for using amino acids:
1. Amino acids help photosynthesis
Amino acids provide many different benefits to plant health, beginning with the process of photosynthesis. Without proper photosynthesis, plants will not grow. This process relies on the production of chlorophyll, which needs to absorb energy from the sun. Amino acids will help in the production of chlorophyll, which leads to quality photosynthesis.
2. Amino acids help increase nutrient absorption
Plant leaves consist of stomata, which are small pores that help plants absorb gas and nutrients. When there is no light and low humidity, the stomata will close to help to reduce photosynthesis and absorption of nutrients. When the sky however is clear and sunny, and the humidity is higher, the stomata will then open. This will help plants to get the proper nutrition from rain, sunlight, and soil.
With sufficient concentration of amino acids in the soil, L-glutamic acid is a type of amino acid that protects stomata cells with a microscope. This encourages the leaves to remain open, allowing the plants to absorb more nutrients.
Amino acids are also known as having the ability to chelate when proteins are combined with other sub-nutrients. Plants can use sub-nutrients more efficiently. These benefits result in increased nutrient intake.
3. Amino acids reduce stress-related problems
The plant is able to withstand stress, such as from high temperatures, low humidity, and other serious problems. Amino acids help to fight stress and help plants to recover quickly and to maintain denser growth.
4. Amino acids support plant hormones
Amino acids also support the growth of plant hormones, which is called phytohormone. The Phytohormones control the development of healthy plants by supporting tissues and cells. Almost all stages of plant growth are involved in hormonal control. The use of amino acids with soil can promote production phytohormones without having to use separate supplements.
5. Amino acids help improve microbial activity
Protein is important for all living cells, including microbial cells that support healthy soil. L-methionine, one of the amino acids, can help increase the health of microbial cells, promote better microbial activity. One of the main roles of microbes is to help circulate nutrients, including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. The activities of healthy microbes control these components. Without microbial activity, most fertilizer is not effective. Microbes help convert organic compounds into inorganic forms, such as changing proteins from amino acids to carbon dioxide and ammonium. In general, microbes decompose compounds so that plants can absorb nutrients. Adding amino acids to the soil will improve this process.
6. Amino acids are a source of nitrogen
Adding amino acids to the soil can help increase nitrogen content by limiting the need for fertilizer with a high nutrient concentration. Plants can pick up amino acids from the soil to receive organic nitrogen. Amino acids are found naturally in the soil can provide protein with nitrogen. However, to get nitrogen, Plants must first digest proteins, which must have microbial activity in the soil. Amino acids help improve microbial activity. Soil supplementation with this substance can help the entire nitrogen cycle.
7. Amino acids increase calcium absorption
Chelating substances such as amino acids will help increase the absorption of nutrients. After plants absorb minerals, the rest will be decomposed into dissolved organic nitrogen or used directly as an amino acid. Chelaing will have effects to help with plant health from increased calcium absorption, making plants to have more calcium and to help strengthen the vascular system, strong nutrients conveyor system. Plants will be able to absorb more water and nutrients. This calcium increase may help prevent pests and diseases. When plants are weak, there will be water in the cells which attracts the growth of mold and insects. With healthy plants, there will be more pectin in the cell wall. Thicker cell walls are less likely to be attacked. Increased calcium absorption also helps prevent pests. When these problems occur, plants release calcium and produce defenses that help repel insects.
Learn more about All Bio Products
Are amino acids more important than nitrogen?
Nitrogen is what plant growers want to keep their plants green. By adding synthetic nitrogen fertilizer to promote healthy growth. However, adding amino acids will get better results. The health of all soil and plants needs to be balanced. Therefore, Amino Acids will maintain the balance of nutrients, compounds, and various microbes.
Amino acids help increase the absorption of nutrients by promoting greater microbial activity. Soil microbes break down nutrients to increase absorption through the roots. At the same time, amino acids are a natural source of nitrogen. Therefore, amino acids may be an effective alternative to soil quality and plant health. Amino Acids do not need to replace nitrogen fertilizer but can reduce the use of nitrogen.
How to know when the soil needs amino acids?
It is difficult to know when the soil needs amino acids. However, poor soil quality can be determined by analyzing plant health.
7 signs that plants that do not receive the necessary nutrients, and plants may need amino acids:
1. pale or yellow plants
2. slower down growth rate
3. restoring from slow stress
4. having effects from environmental stress
5. weeds begin to grow
6. having plant diseases
7. plants are smaller
If the plant turns pale or yellow Shows that there is a problem with the photosynthesis process. There are many reasons for this problem, including drought, excessive fertilizer application, too much nitrogen in the soil. If there is too much nitrogen, the roots will be burned, changing the soil’s pH level, and preventing the roots from absorbing the necessary nutrients. Adding with amino acids will help to restore the pH balance and increase the absorption of nutrients. It helps to improve microbial activities that support the decomposition of nutrients in order to synthesize amino acids. If the plant grows slowly or is weak, it may lead to a lack of nitrogen and other essential nutrients. The plant begins to die soon.
Amino acids can help solve these problems, by helping the photosynthesis process, helping the roots to become thicker, and by having less prone to stress problems, by enduring extreme weather changes, and other problems. In the final test, to determine when do plants need amino acids? Need to check the soil, when the soil is healthy, the soil should be porous, dark and abundant conditions.
Can amino acids be used for flowers?
Trees, shrubs, flowers, and gardens get all benefit from healthy soil and strong root systems, which are two reasons for adding amino acids to the soil. These compounds are important for the health of all plants. Increasing microbial abundance and photosynthesis helps to thicken branches and larger leaves. Flowering plants may produce large, long-lasting flowers throughout the season.
All Bio is a biological stimulant (Plant Biostimulants) consisting of high-quality and rich quantities of amino acids.
All Bio helps the soil to become healthy and promotes strong roots and increased absorption of nutrients.
All Bio helps prevent pests and diseases, which is a problem for plants.
All Bio increases the absorption of calcium, strengthen the cell walls of plants, and protect the stems and leaves from insects and mold growth.
Let’s start using All Bio
Amino acids are essential to all living cells and may be key to improving the health of cultivated plants. The use of fertilizer is a regular step for growing plants, but cannot always be expected with the same fertilizer application to get the best efficiency, All Bio can help.